Banner Bikes

Your Mobile Signage Partners
with clean green social equity solutions

@BannerBikes is the media and advertising project operated by the homeless and marginalised people who work within the collective in partnership with our suppliers, together with our business and organisational advertisers.

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Client Services: Our flexible fleet of Banner Bicycles provide an efficient and cost effective high visibility council compliant client influencer solution to your retail or brand identity promotional dilemma.Our fleet are easily deployed providing simple cost effective just in time promotion.Choose from a regular daily timeslot, or book us for a major one-off corporate event.Our easily scalable solution provides time sensitive buyer influencer services to businesses such as restaurants in their gap periods,or powerful hi impact brand awareness campaigns over sustained periods. We give our clients the flexibility to Deploy our Banner Bicycles where crowds are present and when their business needs clients.A selection of package plans to suit timeframes,strategic needs and budgets of the smallest businesses or the demands of major corporate events.Our unique,high visibility image enhancement services are surprisingly affordable.For a personalised custom quotation, email us .  

Our Clients value partnering with an innovative social environmental health and business services provider

Social Responsibility Ethos:  
 Our underlying goal is to provide self initiated exit strategies from marginalisation for Sydneys Homeless and "at risk of Homelessness" Community,by providing sustainable incomes using eco sustainable practices to achieve strong client outcomes.We leverage the considerable quantities of unwanted or unused bicycles which become surplus to their owners needs due to changing priorities,lifestyles and relocation.Our sister project, @CycleRescue, engages in the collection,restoration and recycling of bicycles bicycle accessories and bicycle related services. These initiatives combine to assist in reducing our community's carbon footprint as well as reducing Landfill requirements and so reducing greenhouse emissions. 
Providing a self empowered homelessness exit strategy for  people to use as a stepping stone away from marginalisation is and will remain a core principle within our strategic modelling.In future we envisage working at the entry point, rather than exit gate,in our quest to not merely end current,but prevent future homelessness.     

Use your own artwork-upload it yourself-or we can custom design your message for you...