Cycle Rescue:

@CycleRescue is a Project aiming to reduce the Landfill impact and Carbon Footprint of discarded Bicycles by repairing and reusing unwanted and discarded bicycles instead of reprocessing.Once refurbished and safety checked,our Homeless Community are able to use the finished bikes as a means of increasing their travel range and therefore availability for a broader range of work opportunities. In doing so we also help homeless people to reconnect and re-establish themselves through their own initiative and hard work.
 At the Cycle Rescue Project our aim is to allow homeless people the dignity to take pride in and reap the fruits of their own efforts as a pathway away from marginalisation to the next phase of their lives.We welcome you in joining us on this worthwhile, fun,fulfilling project.

 Recovery Partners: All manner of businesses and organisations and individuals are joining Cycle Rescue as Recovery Partners.Recovery Partners help their community to reduce landfill waste while helping homeless people pursue self driven exit strategies from marginalisation.

What Recovery Partners do:

  • Recovery Partners find and collect unwanted reusable bicycles for Cycle Rescue's Bicycle renovation Team to restore.
  • Recovery Partners reduce their areas impact on regional landfill requirements and by prolonging the useful life of bicycles,reduce harmful emissions in the logistics processing and reprocessing of new and used bicycles.
  • Recovery Partners may select to expand their recycling efforts to include scrap metals, disused cars,IT equipment glass and other recyclables. We are happy to assist with resourcing any of these initiatives.
  • Recovery Partners reduce the tax burden of expensive,sometimes inefficient government driven programs by partnering with Cycle Rescue, as we are and will remain 100% unfunded by government.  
  • Recovery Partners assist in promoting healthy clean, zero emissions transport as an alternative to our energy intensive expanding our public transport infrastructure network.  

Some benefits of becoming a Recovery Partner:

  •  Learn about Homelessness and Climate Change in a hands on exercise conducted within your own community.
  • Know that 100% of your efforts will have a lasting positive effect on the marginalised community.
  • Grow your community school or organisation through the positive application of teamwork in a non-core activity area. 
  • Develop your familys schools communitys or organisations social justice and green credentials by your association with Cycle Rescue.

Who are partnering??

  • Schools are partnering,giving their communities the opportunity to lessen landfill and reduce emissions while participating in a unique and valuable program designed to help homeless people who want to help themselves. Students and teachers alike will have the opportunity to enter into age appropriate dialogue under the guidance of their schools. 
  • Businesses seeking non-core group activities as a human resources bonding strategy - great for team building.
  • Families. Some families are making the choice to leverage their family, sports work school or social contacts to identify ways to assist their contacts in disposing of their unwanted bicycles in a sustainable way, while assisting the homeless and environment.These families will sometimes start reluctantly following the enthusiasm of one family member.WARNING!!The enthusiasm is highly infectious.
  • Community Organisations will be advantaged in collection efficiency by simply leveraging their publication,newsletter,mailout or other regular communications method to identify unwanted bikes.The rest is easy. 

How do I join??

"recovery partners - ordinary people achieving extraordinary things."